The Stele of Jeu Part 2: A
Supplication to the Divine Light by Whatever Name
Akephalos : The God Whose
Head is the Sun

Lines within the Stele of Jeu, while referring to
epithets of both Osiris and Yahweh, also may point to Ra. For example:
You who created the Earth and the
Heavens (Geb and Nut—technically Ra’s grandchildren by Shu and Tefnut),
. . .
You have made the Female (Tefnut) and
the Male (Shu).
. . .
You have produced the Moist (Tefnut—goddess
of moisture) and the Dry (Shu—god of air) and that which nourishes all life.
Also, just as the orator in the Stele
of Jeu ultimately identifies with the supreme progenitor solar deity, so too do
souls who successfully traverse the underworld become Ra in Egyptian afterlife
spirituality.4 Just as Osiris becomes self-realized as Ra, so too
does the worthy soul.

Although Akephalon is assumed, in occult circles, to
refer to Osiris, it may sort of refer to God as the supreme Divine Light, known
by different names in different cultures and most familiar to Egyptians as Atum or Amun-Ra.
The Stele of Jeu calls the deity Osoronophris (“Beautiful Osiris”) and Iabas
and Iapos (Samaritan names for Yahweh)6 and also uses Hebraic
godnames and anagrams within the strings of “barbarous terms” within the text
(eg, Iao and Sabaoth). The Late Classical Era Gnostic deity Abrasax is
thrown into the mix as is Aion and presumably Phanes. These names might all be
being used in a syncretistic way as epithets for one redemptive/restorative
and supreme divine principle.
The Truth is One. The wise
know it goes by various names. Rg Veda I.64.46
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copyright Dee Rapposelli Pink Lotus, Digital Photograph |
1. Hans Dieter Betz, ed. The Greek Magical
Papyri in Translation Including the Demotic Spells. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1986, p 335.
2. Coleman Darnel, John. The Enigmatic
Netherworld Books of the Solar-Osirian Unity: Cryptic Compositions in the Tombs
of Tutankhamun, Ramesses VI and Ramesses IX. Fribourg Switzerland: Academic
Press, 2004, pp 115- 116 RE-Osiris p
3. LiDonnici, Lynn.
“According to the Jews:” Identified (and Identifying) ‘Jewish’ Elements in the Greek Magical Papyri. In LiDonnici,
Lynn; Lieber Andrea, eds. Heavenly Tablets Interpretation, Identity and
Tradition in Ancient Judaism. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2007.
4. John H. Taylor . Death
and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001
pp 30-32.
5. Alberto Bernabé
and Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal.
Instructions for the Netherworld The Orphic Gold Tablets. Boston:Brill, 2008, p
6. Betz, p 336.
I invoke you, Headless One!
You who created the Earth and the
You who created the Night and the Day,
You who created the Darkness and the
You are Osoronnophris, whom no one has
ever seen.
You are Iabas; you are Iapos.
You have distinguished the Just from
the Unjust.
You have made the Female and the Male.
You have made the Seed and the Fruit.
You have made men Love and Hate one
I am Moses, your prophet, to whom you
have revealed your Mysteries, the ceremonies of Israel.
You have produced the Moist and the Dry
and that which nourishes all life.
Hear me, for I am the messenger of Phapro Osoronnophris, which is your true name, handed down to the prophets of Israel.
Hear me: Ar, Thiao, Rheibet,
Atheleberseth, A, Blatha, Abeu, Ebeu, Phi, Chitasoe, Ib, Thiao.
Hear me and turn away this spirit.
I invoke you, awesome and invisible God
who dwells in the void of the spirit.
Arogogorobrao, Sochou, Modorio, Phalarthao,
OOO, Headless One.
Deliver this person from the spirit
that restrains him.
Hear me: Roubriao, Mariodam,
Balbnabaoth, Assalonai, Aphniao, I, Tholeth, Abrasax, Aeoou,
Headless One, deliver this person.
Ma, Barraio, Ioel, Kotha, Athorebalo,
Deliver this person from the spirit
that restrains him.
Aoth, Abaoth, Basym, Isak, Sabaoth,
He is the Lord of the Gods.
He is the one who the winds fear.
He has made all things by the command
of his voice.
Lord, king, ruler, and helper.
Save this soul.
Ieou, Pyr, Iou, Pyr, Iaot, Iaeo, Ioou,
Abrasax, Sabriam, Oo, Yu, Eu, Oo, Yu, Adonaie,
Now nbw angel of god
Anlala Lai, Gaia, Apa, Diachanna Choryn
Now nbw angel of god
Anlala Lai, Gaia, Apa, Diachanna Choryn
"I am the headless spirit with my sight in my feet;
mighty immortal fire;.
I am the Truth.
I detest the unjust deeds done
in the world.
I am the one who makes the lightning flash and the
thunder roll.
I am the one who is the shower of life on the earth.
I am the one whose mouth is flame.
I am the one who begets and manifests.
I am the Grace of the Aion.
My name is a heart encircled by a serpent.
Come forth and follow.
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