The Stele of Jeu : Part 3 Can“Headless”
refer to the Divine Man embodied as the Tree of Life?
On Qabalah, Barbarous Language, and Gematria in the Stele of Jeu
Headless also is a term in Qabalah. Given other jargon within the Stele of Jeu1
and the notion that aspects of Qabalist-like Jewish (and other) mysticism
long predated early medieval Qabalah,1-4 I thought it might be okay
to conjecture that Akephalos, in this context, also could refer to an esoteric
Hebrew term. I contacted independent researcher Gary Lee, who specializes in
Qabalist influences in ancient and medieval esoterica, for more clarity. He had
serendipitously uploaded a paper to that included content on the
significance of “headless” on the very day that I had decided to pursue a
project involving the Stele of Jeu. His
paper, titled The Visconti –Sforza Tarot: A Sacred
Open Secret,
continues his ongoing exposition on how the Visconti-Sforza Tarot acts as a mnemonic
device for Qabalist revelation.
explained that “Headless” refers to the Divine Man, in the form of sefirot 9 to
4. These sefirot correspond with the limbs of the body. Chessed (compassion)
corresponds to the right arm, Gevurah (judgement) to the left arm, and Tiferet
(Truth/Beauty) with the heart. These sefirot form the Emotional or Aetheric
self. Netzach and Hod represent the legs and Yeshod the genitals—the physical
self. The “head,” Lee
explained, can be seen as the sefirot Da’at, which is the gateway/gatekeeper to
the higher sefirot. The higher sefirot correspond to the higher faculties of
the Divine Man. In other words, the head of the Divine Man manifests through
integration of the mysteries of the lower sefirot and self-actualization at Da’at
(ie, “crossing the abyss”). In his paper, cited above, Lee writes, “Headless”
is in reference to the workings of the [Merkabah] Chariot in which one
internalizes the Tree of Life as one’s body and this mnemonic system is one’s ‘Head.’”
The “barbarous” terms, which are treated as “words of power” (voce magicae) in the Stele of Jeu have
intrigued those who have worked with the text. It has been said that the terms
are obscure godnames, garble of once intelligible mystical terms, and/or sacred
sounds. In this way, there has been an attempt to make the barbaric terms

and a reason why the orator of the Stele of Jeu assumes authority by announcing "I am Moses."4
Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal point out in their work on the Orphic Gold Tablets that barbaric terms may not be magical gibberish but a string of letters within which is an encrypted message that only the initiate knows and knows how to weed out.7 Hypotheses related to the Orphic Gold Tablets may not apply to the Greek Magical Papyri but they are nevertheless “food for thought.”
Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal point out in their work on the Orphic Gold Tablets that barbaric terms may not be magical gibberish but a string of letters within which is an encrypted message that only the initiate knows and knows how to weed out.7 Hypotheses related to the Orphic Gold Tablets may not apply to the Greek Magical Papyri but they are nevertheless “food for thought.”

And this might be at play in the barbarous terms in the Stele of Jeu—but
let’s look at some patterns in the gematria. Some interesting patterns emerge when pythmenes (a technique sometimes simplified and called
Pythagorean reduction) is applied to some of the terms.

The numbers 10 and 1, both Pythagorically and Qabalistically
significant, also recur.
Iabas (214) and Iapos (381) (Samaritan terms for Yahweh) reduce to
7 and 3, respectively=10/1. The term “Paphro Osoronnophris” is 3701 or 10 and
1. (“Paphro” is assumed to be "Pharoah" in some translations based on a speculative comment by late 19th century Egyptologist EA Wallis Budge, who also speculated that Osoronnophris was supposed to read as "Ausa Unnefer."9 )The following sentence says “This is your true name, handed down by the prophets
of Israel.” Is that a reference to Malkuth/Kether?
Also note that the word
Israel consistently appears as Istrael (Ἰστράηλ). The
added tau (τ) allows the word to reduce to 10/1. ). The letter tau
designates a seal (as in a seal of ownership or contractual seal of agreement).
It has been extrapolated to mean the seal between God and the devotee and also
Truth and Perfection. On the topic of that extra tau in Israel, Gary Lee says
[personal communication]: “Tau in the word Israel/ Istrael would represent the ‘perfection
of beauty,’ which in Hebrew is the word ‘Zion.’ The term beauty is in regards
to the Sefirah Tiferet, the Divine Man, thus the ‘Perfection of the Divine Man’
being the ‘cleaving’ or unification of the Human Intellect/ soul with the
Active Intellect of the Cosmos . . .”
But wait! There’s more. If we add up and reduce the number of the
string of barbaric words that follow (Ar, Thiao, Rheibet, Atheleberseth, A, Blatha, Abeu, Ebeu,
Phi, Chitasoe, Ib, Thiao), we get 10/1, and the string of terms: theou Anlala Lai, Gaia,
Apa, Diachanna Choryn ALSO reduces to 10/1.
Next: Vowel sounds and the Ladder of the
LiDonnici, Lynn. “According to the Jews:” Identified (and Identifying) ‘Jewish’
Elements in the Greek Magical Papyri. In
LiDonnici, Lynn; Lieber Andrea, eds. Heavenly Tablets Interpretation, Identity
and Tradition in Ancient Judaism. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2007.
2. Abbi
Aryeh Kaplan. Inner Space. Jerusalem: Moznaim Publishing Corporation., 1990,
3. Kieren
Barry. The Greek Qabalah. Alphabetic Mysticism and Numerology
in the Ancient World.
York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1999,
pp 270-271.
4. Hans
Dieter Betz, ed. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation Including the Demotic
Spells. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986, p xiv.
5. Yehuda
Liebes; Batya Stein trans. Studies in Jewish Myth and Jewish Messianism. Albany, NYL State University of New York
Press; 1993.
6. Duncan
Fishwick. An Early Christian Cryptogram? CCHA.
7. Alberto Bernabé
and Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal.
Instructions for the Netherworld The Orphic Gold Tablets. Boston:Brill, 2008, p
8. Barry, p 117.
9. E. A. Wallis Budge. Egyptian Magic. New York: Routledge, 2002 (reprint of original published in 1899), pp 176-177.
9. E. A. Wallis Budge. Egyptian Magic. New York: Routledge, 2002 (reprint of original published in 1899), pp 176-177.
I invoke you, Headless One!
You who created the Earth and the
You who created the Night and the Day,
You who created the Darkness and the
You are Osoronnophris, whom no one has
ever seen.
You are Iabas; you are Iapos.
You have distinguished the Just from
the Unjust.
You have made the Female and the Male.
You have made the Seed and the Fruit.
You have made men Love and Hate one
I am Moses, your prophet, to whom you
have revealed your Mysteries, the ceremonies of Israel.
You have produced the Moist and the Dry
and that which nourishes all life.
Hear me, for I am the messenger of Pharoah
Osoronnophris, which is your true name, handed down to the prophets of Israel.
Hear me: Ar, Thiao, Rheibet,
Atheleberseth, A, Blatha, Abeu, Ebeu, Phi, Chitasoe, Ib, Thiao.
Hear me and turn away this spirit.
I invoke you, awesome and invisible God
who dwells in the void of the spirit.
Arogogorobrao, Sochou, Modorio, Phalarthao,
OOO, Headless One.
Deliver this person from the spirit
that restrains him.
Hear me: Roubriao, Mariodam,
Balbnabaoth, Assalonai, Aphniao, I, Tholeth, Abrasax, Aeoou,
Headless One, deliver this person.
Ma, Barraio, Ioel, Kotha, Athorebalo,
Deliver this person from the spirit
that restrains him.
Aoth, Abaoth, Basym, Isak, Sabaoth,
He is the Lord of the Gods.
He is the one who the winds fear.
He has made all things by the command
of his voice.
Lord, king, ruler, and helper.
Save this soul.
Ieou, Pyr, Iou, Pyr, Iaot, Iaeo, Ioou,
Abrasax, Sabriam, Oo, Yu, Eu, Oo, Yu, Adonaie,
Now Now Angel of God.
Anlala Lai, Gaia, Apa, Diachanna Choryn
Now Now Angel of God.
Anlala Lai, Gaia, Apa, Diachanna Choryn
"I am the headless spirit with my sight in my feet;
mighty immortal fire;.
I am the Truth.
I detest the unjust deeds done
in the world.
I am the one who makes the lightning flash and the
thunder roll.
I am the one who is the shower of life on the earth.
I am the one whose mouth is flame.
I am the one who begets and manifests.
I am the Grace of the Aion.
My name is a heart encircled by a serpent.
Come forth and follow.
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